荷蘭Goudsmit Magnetic Systems B.V.電磁鐵
意大利Galtech齒輪泵 馬達(dá) 閥門
Directional control valves
![]() | Monoblock directional control valves More >> |
![]() | Sectional control valvesMore >> |
![]() | ON - OFF directional control valves with electrical controlMore >> |
![]() | Proportional directional control valves with electrical controlMore >> |
Pumps and motors
![]() | Gear pumps More >> |
![]() | Multiple gear pumpsMore >> |
![]() | Gear motorsmore >> |
![]() | Pumps and motors accessoriesMore >> |
Hydraulischer Sicherheits- Verriegelungszylinder
Überall dort, wo Lasten gesichert werden müssen, z.B. bei PKW-Transporten, Baumaschinen, Landmaschinen, Stapelgeräten, Kippöfen, im Pressenbau, bei Hebegeräten, Stützvorrichtungen, Lastverriegelung und vieles mehr.
- Mechanische und hydraulische Verriegelung gegen Ein- und/oder Ausfahren.
- Hohe Funktionssicherheit gegenüber Systemen mit außenliegender Verriegelung.
- Die Zylinder sind festigkeitsgetestet mit 200 000 Lastwechseln und 2,5 g bei 4 Hz.
- Der Oberflächenschutz der Zylinder ist mit 500 Stunden im Salzsprühtest nach DIN EN ISO 9227 beständig.
- Die Zylinder haben eine hydraulische und eine mechanische Verriegelung, die sowohl bei ziehender als auch drückender Betätigung funktionsfähig ist. Dies gilt auch wenn der Zylinder mit einem Ventil geschaltet ist, welches in Nullslung alle 4 Anschlüsse gesperrt hat.
- Die mechanische Verriegelung greift alle 5,3 mm bei einem Kolbendurchmesser von 63 mm und alle 6 mm bei einem Kolbendurchmesser von 110 mm.
- Die Zylinder müssen nur mit 2 Anschlüssen (A und B) angeschlossen werden.
- Der Hydraulikblock ist aus seewasserbeständigem Aluminium hergeslt. ( Kontaktkorrosion )
- Das europäische Patent wurde erteilt.
Technische Daten
bestehende Abmessungen:
Kolben- / Stangendurchmesser | 63 / 45 mm |
Kolben- / Stangendurchmesser | 110 / 80 mm |
Ausführung in verschiedenen Hüben
Temperaturbereich Stahl | -20°C bis +80°C |
Temperaturbereich Dichtung | -40°C bis +80°C |
mechanische Verriegelung | alle 5,3/6,0 mm |
Betriebsdruck | 250 bar |
Prüfdruck | 300 bar |
Druckkraft bei 250bar 63/45 | 70kN |
Druckkraft bei 250bar 110 / 80 | 210kN |
Zugkraft bei 250bar 63 / 45 | 34kN |
Zugkraft bei 250bar 110 / 80 | 100kN |
Cast iron resistors
GINO cast iron resistors are used in drive engineering in combination with motor starters or contactor controls for the starting and stepping of three-phase slip-ring rotor or three-phase motors. They can also be applied as slip, series or load resistors. Cast iron resistors are characterized by their high overload capacity and are mainly used for short-term or intermittent operation.
GINO GmbH is the only manufacturer of cast iron resistors who manufactures and supplies nearly all standard systems used on the European market as well as spares for superseded models from AEG, BBC, ABB and others. All systems supplied by Siemens to date are compley available. For new units, only the systems GINO and Siemens 3PR3 should be used.
The units comply with the applicable specifications of VDE regulations VDE 0100 and VDE 0660. They conform to the EEC Low Voltage Directive of 19 February 1973.
Protection classes
Pursuant to DIN 40 050/IEC 144 IP00, IP10, IP13, IP20, IP23 are available depending on the system in question.
Operating modes
- Short-term operation, with subsequent cooling down
- Intermittent operation with regular On/Off time ta/tr, indicated as the cyclic duration factor in %.
- Continuous operation
The rated insulation voltage is 1500V AC/1800V DC at a pollution degree of 3 pursuant to VDE 0110.
Resistance to climatic changes
GINO cast iron resistors are resistant to climatic changes pursuant to DIN 50 010 T1 and suited for indoor and outdoor installation at varying condition of condensation without protection against weathering at low pollution impact. The admissible ambient temperature ranges from -25 to +45°C and the units can be operated at elevations of up to 1000 m above the sea level.
At higher temperatures or higher altitudes, the load carrying capacity and/or the rated voltage must be reduced as a function of the operating mode KB/AB/DB or the installation altitude.
Magnetic grids filter undesired ferromagnetic (Fe) particles - such as iron or steel - or even weakly magnetic particles, such as processed stainless steel, in free-fall lines. They are used for applications in, e.g., the plastics, food, pharma and ceramics industries. Applications include: in the hopper of an injection moulding machine, for protection of the installation or as final inspection of the product, e.g. just prior to packaging.
The powerful Neoflux® (neodymium) magnetic bars are located within the product flow and can filter out the smallest Fe particles - down to 30 microns. Grids with Goudsmit's strongest neodymium magnetic bars can even capture stainless steel shavings. These extremely fine Fe and stainless steel particles are so small that they cannot even be detected with a metal detector!
A good approach is to place two magnetic grids in a cascade configuration, so the product must contact the magnetic bars or at least pass very close to them.
Application | Max. particle size 10 mm, for applications in, e.g., the plastics, ceramics, chemical and food industries |
Capacity | up to 30 m3/h |
Removal of Fe particles from | 1 mm |
Overall dimensions | Square 150 to 400 mm Round 100 to 300 mm |
Cleaning | Manual (wipe off) |
Magnet system | Bar magnets Ø22 or Ø40 mm |
Magnet quality | Ferrite Br. 3900 Gauss |
Options | Durable coating |
ATEX | Ex II 1/2D, Ex II 3D |
Overall height | 40 to 50 mm |
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More information
Application | Max. particle size 10mm, for applications in, e.g., the plastics, ceramics, chemical and food industries |
Capacity | up to 30 m3/h |
Removal of Fe particles from | 30 µm - 1 mm |
Overall dimensions | Square 150 to 400 mm Round 100 to 300 mm |
Cleaning | Manual (wipe off) or semi-automatic (extractor) |
Magnet system | bar magnets Ø23 mm (extractor tube Ø25 mm) |
Magnet quality | Neodymium GSN-42 Br. 13 200 Gauss |
Options | Durable coating |
ATEX | Ex II 1/2D, Ex II 3D |
Overall height | 40 to 50 mm |
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More information
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