1. 如需購買防爆配電箱/電器類產(chǎn)品:請購買前必須和您們的技術人員溝通清楚,(如若是空箱,請把箱子的尺寸/進出線方向/通頭數(shù)量/通頭大小/箱子面板上面是否裝指示燈/按鈕/是否要帶總開關等等,如若是一整套,請把技術圖紙傳一份給我方,元器件采用哪家請細說明:(如:正泰電器/德力西電器/施耐德電器) 2. 如需購買防爆燈具類產(chǎn)品:先咨詢一下賣家,請把燈具技術參數(shù)報一下,我方核算一下價格,核算過的價格才能算zui終成效價(如:防爆燈具的參數(shù):功率多大?配不配光源,配什么光源?安裝方式?如若不知道,請把您的燈具所用在的場所,面積有多少,請細告訴我方。我方會按照親的要求去報價) 3. 如需購買防爆管件類產(chǎn)品:先看清產(chǎn)品資料里面的詳細介紹,(接口的大小,螺紋規(guī)格,長度,材質(zhì)。) 4. 如需購買防爆風機/風扇類產(chǎn)品:先看清是否是您所需要的,(風機的尺寸,功率,風量,是否要帶百葉,安裝方式,如若不清楚,請直接賣家,再確認你需要購買的產(chǎn)品。) 5. 如需購買防爆空調(diào)產(chǎn)品:先說清使用環(huán)境,(空調(diào)的品牌,制冷量,制熱量,功率,壁掛式還是柜式。) 由于規(guī)格多,價格網(wǎng)上不齊全,zui終價格由電議確認。詢價! 2910259023王志偉
Features 1.The shells are made of ZL102 alloy aluminium, with delicated structure and beautiful shape. 2.The surface of the shells after acid-washing and getting rid of rust uses the treatment of high-pressure static and epoxyresin. It can withstand the corrosion of acid, alkali, salt and so on, the anti-corrosion class is F1. 3.The products adopts curve-sealing structure, and are tighten by the fix terminal, they have performance of water-proofand dustproof, the protection class reaches IP65. 4.All the leakage fixers adopt stainless steel, sealers adopt silicon rubber they can withstand oil, acid, high temperatureand are not easy to age. 5.The products are used in the controlling circuits with 50Hz AC, less than 350V voltage, less than 400V DC, less than10A current. They are used to display the starting and stopping of motor, controlling shift, signal shift, meter measure. 6.The elements used in installing inside, which are decided by our company. 7.The inside installment elements are mainly shift switches, butt current meters and indicator. The oter meters can beinstalled according to the demand of the users. Meanwhile, they can cater to the designing demand of the users to assemblefreely. 8.In general, In-Out wires of the products of the series go under-in and under-out, installment with cable. The special demandof the users must be noted. 9.The factory brtand of the products manifest the content of the whole unit, each unit cod |